Wednesday 14 January 2009

He's going to be how old?


In less than a month our little Peanut is going to be two years old!!!

My how the time has flown.

But then has it?

Time is a very strange thing when it is put into context with a child. It seems like no time at all since Peanut was a tiny little baby who would curl up into a ball on my chest and go to sleep. But that was nearly two years ago, and in that time we have done a lot of patient waiting.

How many sleepless nights did we have where we thought he would never mater the art of sleeping through the night. I can assure you that the time did not fly by then. As any parent (or person who have lived in a house with a baby) would know, midnight to five AM seems to go forever when you are pacing up and down a dimly lit hall way trying to settle an upset infant.

The first few meals that Peanut ate seemed to go on forever - and such a small amount of food was eaten. I have watched the video of Peanuts first meal and it only goes for a few minutes but my memory of it was it took nearly an hour! Putting the spoon to his lips, watching him as he tries to figure out what on earth he is supposed to do with this new object that has been shoved in front of his face, taking the food off the spoon and then letting it dribble out because he doesn't realise he had to swallow it!

And i can remember watching Peanut for what felt like hours as he tried to figure out how to take those first few steps. Again it felt like hours that we watch him pull him self up, wobble around a bit and then fall back down to the ground.

So it is weird to think that time has gone so quickly when i think of individual events that seem to have passed by so slowly.

(: Reggie

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