Sunday 26 November 2006

And the test results were there all the time!

And they were not good!!!

We had our routine obs appointment at the hospital on Friday and the obs looks at her computer screen and says "oh, you had an elevated read to the GDM test and have not sat the GTT yet?"

My first reaction was to stand up scream "WHAT THE FUCK!!! I DID NOT GET THE PHONE CALL I WAS TOLD I WOULD, AND I DID WHAT I THOUGHT WOULD BE 'THE RIGHT THING' AND CALLED TO CHECK WAS TOLD THAT IF I HAD NOT HEARD ANYTHING BY THIS STAGE THEN THE RESULTS WERE FINE", then bust into tear and storm out knocking anyone or anything down that happened to get in my way - I'm pregnant and hormonal, what do you expect!

But i didn't do that.

Instead i breathed deeply, looked at M34tb4LL (who had a slight look of fear in his eyes) and told her that we had not received a call to tell us the results were elevated and i had even called and was told that i need not worry.

The obs was lovely about the situation, very apologetic and assured us she had never heard of anyone else to not have been notified of results before. My thought at that one was - well if it is going to happen to anyone, it is going happen to us **shrug**

She then said that i would need to sit the retest ASAP as i was supposed to do the re-sit the best part of a month ago and wanted to know what my work schedule was like for the coming week. Mmmmm let me see, busy, busy and busy. Can not really take a morning off till Friday.

She switched to plan B and called a sister hospital that has a pathology clinic open on Saturdays to see if i could get a spot there - all booked out ): She then tried the private clinic at this hospital and they said they could see me this Saturday - so like the next day - at 8.30am, w00t.

She then did all the normal checks, including the dreaded blood pressure. She said she would not be surprised in the slightest if it was high - but it wasn't, perfectly normal!!! All that deep breathing, trying to keep myself calm must of helped!

So, nothing to eat after midnight, no bottle of cordial beside the bed to sip on during the night and no breakfast. Got up early - nooooooooooo chance of raising M34tb4LL as i know he was still up when i made one of my many trips to the bathroom at 4.00am, and drove to the hospital. Funny how empty a hospital car park is at 8.15am on a Saturday!

Found private pathology - no thanks to the absent receptionist, just past the cafe with all its breakfasty smells!!! How cruel!

Had first blood test, ouch. Drank super sweet slightly fizzy stuff and waited.... An hour later, another blood test and another wait.... An hour later another blood test (same place as first one because by this time i had run our of arms) and was told i could go home.

So the waiting game starts again, but this time i am not going to take the word of some pathology receptionist that they will call me if there is problem, and i am not going wait till the next routine visit to get he results - as by this time i will 34 weeks and this test, if it shows i have GD, is supposed to have an action plan in place by 26 - 28 weeks.

On the up side though, three blood tests in two hours in two arms - and NO bruising at all!!!

(: Reggie

** Update ** test results are in, and lets just say i can no longer have a large glass of cordial beside the bed to drink through out the night and i have to do blood tests throughout the day.

Monday 6 November 2006

No test results, yet...

And i think this is a good sign?

When i had my GDM test i was told that anyone has a 70% chance of being told that the first test shows at least a border line chance of gestational diabetes and that a re-sit is necessary. After consuming 'the drink' and while waiting the hour till the blood test , we saw an obs and he was very surprised that i was doing the first test first (Think how confused that made us feel).

The chance of developing GD increases when you add a few variables - like age, weight, family history of either GD or type 2 and ethnic background. I have a few of these in my court and because of these the obs thought that i should have been doing the re-sit test first as this is a longer, more involved test and can give the all clear to about 90% of the 70% of people who have to do the second test.

Why not just do the second test first? good question!!!

But anyway, i was told by the pathology vampire that i would get a call in week with the results. Have not heard anything, and the test was over a week ago now. I called the pathology peoples at the hospital and they said that they usually only call if there is a problem and if i have not heard anything then i can assume the results were fine.

So the fact that i have not heard anything i am thinking that i might have fallen into the 30%? w00t! However still sporting a bruise from the blood test - 10 days later!!!

(: Reggie