Monday 29 June 2009

"I'm a big brother"

And that is close as we have managed to get Peanut to tell people that he is "going to be a big brother". Which he is, not that he understands what that means really, but he is going to have to figure it out or he is going to get one all mighty shock!

I bought a couple of book to read to him about little boys becoming brothers. He has taken quite a shine to the book called "There's a House Inside My Mummy". It may be rather strange way of looking at things - from a grownup perspective - but we tend to have at least a small grasp on the idea of where babies come from. For a two year old i could imagine that it would be a very confusing idea to get ones little head around.

The book is very good at putting the concept of pregnancy into the giant metaphor of house inside Mummy and it does it all in a nice little rhyming way - too cute! Problem is that Peanut now thinks there is house in his tummy and in Daddy's, and today he lifting my top trying to see the house...

Well, like i said, there is time for him to work it out and if he doesn't get it by the time the baby comes he will defiantly have to work it out then!

(: Reggie