Friday 13 June 2008

Night moves

Peanuts night time routine, as i believe i have gone over before, is fairly simple and non-time consuming for us - nappy change, PJs on, five minutes more of play, final milk drink, Daddy will give him Lambie to cuddle and i put him into his cot. Easy! Well i think it is easy. It works for us.

However once Peanut is in his cot there a period of anything a couple of minutes up to half an hour where he is still awake, and if we walk past the door too slowly or he can see one of us there is chance that he will start to crack it and may even need to be taken out of bed and "re-settled".

And it is during this 'not yet asleep' time that i most want to know what he does! Let's take tonight as an example. We put him to bed and he was chattering to himself (ducca ducca ducca ducca ducca ducca) then there was quiet for a few minutes, then we heard a strange thudding noise, there was almost a rhythm to it!

Now i very much wanted to see what Peanut was doing, but did not want to go to the door to look in case it ended with him stopping what he was doing and having him think that i was coming to get him out of bed. It almost sounded like he was trying to work out how to get out of the cot and i half expected him to come walking out of his bedroom door with his arms in the air in victory.

The cot that Peanut sleeps in has solid wooden ends on it. When we started looking for a cot, that was one thing that i knew i wanted the cot to have. Not sure why i wanted at the time, but know i find it great as we can put toys at the end of the cot and he can't see them.

Anyway, back to my point here - i would love to know what Peanut does after we put him to bed and before we hear the first snore coming from his room. Tonight, while listening to the thudding, i mentioned to M34tb4LL that we need to put a webcam in Peanuts room so we can sit and watch what he is doing. I then corrected myself that we would need a night-vision webcam. I tend told myself that that is a silly thought, it would not be possible to get a night-vision webcam

WRONG AGAIN... can get them, and i have found a website where, if we were to get one, it would not cost a fortune. I say if, i have not bought one, of course i also have a another word - yet. I have not bought one YET.

(: Reggie