Wednesday 9 July 2008

I'm SPARTICUS! (part 2)

So if you had read my last post (and if you have not, read it first then come here) you will know about my recent renaming and the strangeness of becoming one in a crowd. Well now i am going to get to the one to one.

Peanut has no problems letting people in the room when he want me. If he wants my attention he will say in a very clear voice mummy mummy mummy mummy mummy until I respond to him. And sometimes, even when i am giving him my total time he will still sing the mummy chorus.

Of course there is the times when he calls for me because he is not happy and thinks that i can make all things better. Well of course i can make all better, for i am mummy! Anyway... There are many things that a cuddle from mummy can not fix. And the fact that Peanut can not actually explain what is upsetting him, a mummy cuddle is all i need to offer.

A couple of nights ago Peanut woke up after only a couple of hours sleep. Normally if he wakes up (which is actually not that often these days) M34
tb4LL and i will leave him in cot for a little bit to see if he will settle himself back to sleep. Sometimes he will wake up and let out a few crys because in his sleep he has lost 'Lannie' (Lambie). And once he finds Lambie (looks under the covers) he will go back to sleep. But the other night he woke up and was not able to settle himself. He was standing up in his cot, hanging his hands over the rail and calling out "mummy mummy mummy".

Though there is so much joy in hearing ones child saying mummy, there is also some times you wish that he had never learned to say it. A child crying is distressing enough, but when they add the mummy bomb it can cause an emotion explosion.

(: Reggie

Saturday 5 July 2008


Before Peanut was born I never looked twice when I was out in public and I heard a young voice call out "Mummy!", but now things have changed.

Now the word mummy seems to take up about 60% of my conversations with Peanut. I don't mean that i say mummy 6 out of every 10 words say, I just mean that over half my conversation (no matter how one sided it is) will be in context to myself.

Can mummy have a cuddle?
Give that to mummy!
Do you want to play outside with mummy?
Would you like mummy to help you there?
Mummy would prefer that you didn't eat the random stuff you find on the floor!!!

Peanut has been saying mummy for a while and I remember the joy I felt the first time he said it and held his hands out to me, asking me to pick him up. It is one of those take-your-breath-way moments, you know?

And the bizarre thing is that now when some says my name it takes me a few moments to register that they are talking to me. It is like "who? oh, right that is me! Yep, I'm here".

But now when I am out and about, and I hear a small voice calling out "MUMMY", I think for a moment - "hey that's me, but the child's voice I heard is not my child's voice, and who is that woman who is calling herself mummy, I'm mummy!". Then of course I realise that there are many people out there who respond to the name mummy.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I am having an identity crisis. But it was a very strange feeling when a realised that the special name our little peanut has for me is a very common name.

(: Reggie