Tuesday 10 November 2009

Simple pleasures

Yes, this again is a post about how things have changed since we were kids - and things that we enjoyed that Peanut will either never enjoy or would not see why we enjoyed it.

At 2 years and 9 months Peanut already knows how to use a computer, how to move the mouse and click to get files open, he knows what an Xbox (PS2, Xbox360) controller is for, he knows how to open my laptop and how to get the screen to wake up... but this is not about the things that Peanut can do, i believe i have already gone through a few of the wonders of technology that peanut seems to have so easily picked up on.

There are things that we used to do, things that we used to enjoy that Peanut never will. And the thing that I remember enjoying, that Peanut will never know the pleasure of is playing under the hose - running under the sprinkler - putting on bathers to wash the car and not getting much water on the car...

In this day and age i find it hard to comprehend that we used to so wasteful with water! I can never imagine putting Peanut in the backyard under the sprinkler! And we seemed have already impressed the water conservation onto our son.

I should also give the piece of information that Peanut is not at all keen on the process of being washed. If i try to give him a shower he screams in terror (yes, there is true fear there where having a shower is concerned). His main form of ablutions is in the "toddler tub", a plastic tub that we have sitting in the bath tub and we use a shower hose that is attached to the tap to wash him. He is not keen on the shower hose, but we find it quick and easy to use and he puts up with it (and hopefully if he learns to cope with the shower hose we can finally get him in to the shower...). And the good thing about the toddler tub is that the water we use can be easily taken outside and put on some of the plants - the few plants that we do water that is.

So tonight when it was time for Peanuts to have a bath, he told that he didn't want to have a bath and that it was a "waste of water". He said "maybe bath tomorrow, not tonight, bath is wasting water". I should say that despite the protest he had a bath anyway - and had fun playing with his bath toys.

I am amazed that the concept of having to save water has hit home with him though, even if he is using it to try and get out of staying clean. So maybe Peanut will not miss the childhood pleasure of running under the sprinkler. I mean he will not be able to experience to it, but our way of thinking has done such a shift that he would not even think of it as option of entertainment. And in this day and age - that can only be a good thing.

(: Reggie