Monday 30 October 2006

GDM test, what does the 'M' stand for?

To tell you the truth, i don't know!

But anyway, had GDM test on Friday or by another name gestational diabetes test.

I had been warned that it is not a pleasant test by a friend who has had to do the test three times already and is looking forward to doing it for a forth time in a couple of weeks, so i made arrangements with boss lady to have the day off work. And with the hours i have had to be doing lately it was not a hard sell might i add!

So we turned up at the hospital for our 9.45am appointment and checked our selves in. The reception lady told us to go to the pathology window (just opposite) and get 'the drink' so we could start the test. We had to take a number and then wait till it was called (half an hour later - seriously!) and the pathology lady asked for our paperwork for the test.

Our what?

Had to back to receptionist lady and ask her what paperwork we are supposed to have and she told us to go, i don't know, the second level reception window (opposite and just down a bit) to get paperwork.

Lady there knew what i was asking about! YAAAAA, but had to wait for a doctor to pass by to sign the form. Pretty easy done seeing as we are in a hospital.

Back to pathology window and rather than take a number i just waved the paper at pathology lady, tee hee. She was getting one of 'the drinks' ready for another pregnoid and when she saw me, got a second one ready - no wait, nice.

So 'the drink' was not what i was expecting or had been told to expect. I had been told about having to consume a litre of super sweet, super thick liquid that would make me feel like upping before i could half of it down -

but instead

I was given a 300ml bottle, chilled, with a straw. I was told that i need to down the drink within five minutes and then sit quietly for an hour, no walking around.

'The drink' was thickish in texture but it was carbonated so the bubbles counteracted the heavy and it had a slight lemon flavour which did help to counteract the super sweetness of it.

It was amusing that after a few sips i had a moment of panic - "this drink is very sweet, hope there are no artifical sweetners in it!" now 'the drink' is designed to test how well my body is braking down sugar, why would they put an artifical sweetner in a drink to test how well the boby brakes down sugar?

Anyway, downed 'the drink' in about a minute, 10 minutes after that i could feel peanut going crazy - sugar freak out!!!

We were then called by an obs, and he said that chances are i will have to come back to another GDM test as the results of this one will probably come back high (apparently 70% of prenoids have to do a resit), got to hear the heart beat again, i love that sound, and was told that things are looking fine.

Back in the waiting area and after another 15 minutes got called to have a blood test, it had been an hour since downing 'the drink'. So vampire lady started to take blood, left arm because the veins are easier to find. I think she may do ti too many times a day, the needle hurt and she has left a mother of a bruise! When ever i have had to have a blood test at the doctor he never leaves a mark, i never bruise from him.

And then we got to go! w00t! so we drove to M34tb4LL's work where they were cooking up a BBQ storm, i had a sausage in bread - got the sickly sweet taste out of my mouth finally, and i stole M34tb4LL's car and drove home.

And this is the part that i am super glad i took the whole day off work. Felt a little sick to the stomach, but could cope with that, but felt mega way tired and could not cope with that!!!

Got home by 1.30pm and crashed, out like a light! wake at 5.00pm, just enough time to drive back to pick up M34tb4LL. And Saturday? felt like shit again! not one of my better days!!!

So the test itself, having to consume 'the drink', not so bad! its the aftermath that is the killer!!! And there is 70% chance that i will have to do a resit.

"the first test shows you may a problem processing the mega amount of sugar we gave you, to make sure - here have a shit-load more sugar"

(: Reggie

Monday 9 October 2006

In case i forgot he was there

Date: Friday 6th October
Time: 10.10 am
Event: Felt peanut move!!!

I was at work, sitting in the "Bluegum" meeting room with my manager talking about team building workshops that are going to be rolled out to the company that i work for and all of a sudden i had this feeling of little bubbles popping inside me.

I'm not sure what the expression on my face was, but manger stopped mid sentence and asked if i was alright! When i told her that i think i just felt the baby moving, she laughed at me, and our meeting continued.

When i got out of the meeting i emailed M34tb4LL to tell him. About 20 minutes after sending him the email, i got the feeling again - so i called M34tb4LL!!!

I wanted to tell him to blow off work and i would do the same and to come home at once, but i didn't. Actually come to think of it, i did tell him that, but we didn't play hooky.

I kept getting the feeling every half and hour to an hour for the rest of the day, and have been feeling it every day since!

Spoke to little mummy tonight and she told me that now i am feeling peanut move i will have to lay off the spicy food. Why? Because that will make him kick even more!

Bring me your hottest vindaloo!!!

(: Reggie

Thursday 5 October 2006

Half my clothes do not fit anymore!

I say half because i have had a habit of wearing clothes that are half falling off, and now they either fit (and closely) or they no longer go on at all.

So we have now had two appointments at the new hospital, and both have felt far more encouraging than the old hospital. The first time we went, just over three weeks ago now, we saw a mid-wife before we saw an obstetrician.

The midwife was nice, friendly, chatty - to both of us, not just to me. Then when we saw the obs, we were feeling relaxed. He also chatted to of us - nay, he chatted WITH both of us. He was asking M34tb4LL what he did for a living, then asked for clarification when M34tb4LL gave his normal two word answer. It was a nice change to have someone seem to take an interest in both of us and not just tell us - nay, tell me, the things that are wrong with me.

The best part of this was visit was when he found that wonderful little heartbeat, I love that sound. He found the heartbeat and looked over at M34tb4LL to make sure that he was involved. I started to laugh (and cry a little bit) and he lost it. But the fantastic part was that he found it again, and rather than just finding it and saying "there it is and it sounds fine", he let us just listen to it for some time. It really is my favorite sound.

The second appointment was also a very positive experience - to the point that I had the lowest blood pressure that has ever been taken by a medical professional that I have seen for the first time (I hope that makes sense). The only lower reads I have had taken is with my trusted GP, and the reads I have taken myself.

I should add that the second appointment was positive - by the time we got there! There was a little bit of a wait (2 hours) to see the obs, due to our file being put into the wrong queue. But when we got to see the obs, she gave a note to give to reception that would get us into a clinic day that was not as busy as the one were currently on. Cheat their own system!

Other than that, 24 weeks today, been told I am glowing, and the name game continues.

(: Reggie