Friday 10 April 2009

Helper monkey in training

Now those of you who know me, know that I am not much of a domestic goddess. In fact it has been said that my only domestic quality is the fact that I live in a house! Cleaning is not one of my strong points, but thankfully those who know and love me seem to be able to overlook this.

Peanut is becoming more and more helpful around the house. I'm sure that by now you have all seen the YouTube video of him helping me empty the dishwasher. And if you haven't seen it go look at it! it is adorable!!! Here is a link to the video -

Every home should have one of these

I must admit though, every time he helps me, I do hold my breath till we have finished.

So anyway, at Peanut's 2 year check-up the MCHN (maternal & child health nurse) I was told that a child should have his own chores to do around the house. Picking up toys, putting his used clothes in the laundry basket - whatever. And the amount of the chores the child should have should be the same number as his age. So, seeing as Peanut has turned two, he should have two chores - tasks that are his to complete.

The first chore that has been assigned him was the one that you have all witnessed. And if you do not know what I am talking about - SERIOUSLY, GO AND WATCH THE VIDEO AND THEN COME BACK AND FINISH READING!!! Go on, the story here can wait a few minutes.

As for the second chore, this is where am stuck!!! I can't really get him to put his used clothes in the basket, seeing as he does not get himself undressed (well, not most of the time) and the basket is next to the change table. Unless I throw the clothes on the floor next to the basket and get him to pick them up, but what kind of an example am I setting for him. Throwing things on the floor then telling him to pick them up. That is just inviting a monkey see monkey do scenario.

But the idea did get me thinking. Though we might not have given him two chores yet, does not mean we can not start training him! For Christmas we gave him a mini Dyson vacuum cleaner that looks pretty much like the Dyson we have. So the other day when I vacuumed the floor (and this is a pretty rare event, but ...) I gave him his Dyson vacuum and encouraged him to follow me around the house so we were vacuuming together, he thought it was terrific fun. He is a bit too little at the moment to use the real thing - but soon...

Next I am thinking of sending him out in to the yard with his push-along toy (not sure what it is called really) and get him to follow me around while I mow the lawn. Then I could get one of those play kitchen / food sets and get him to practise making dinner!!!

The potential here is endless! If he thinks a chore is playing - then I'll let him play away!!! Of course there is still the problem that at two he currently only has one chore - not two.

(: Reggie