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I have always been amazed by mums who can listen to (what sound like to me) the incoherent babbling of their child and seem to know exactly what the youngster is saying.
Now I think I might be turning into one of those people! I say "think" and "might" because there are many time that Peanut will say something to me and wait for a reply and I have no idea what to say back - other "I have no idea of what you are talking about, so here is a picture of a rabbit with a pancake on it's head".
But there are a few words, in fact an ever growing list of words that Peanut says that i do understand. And I must admit the feeling of self satisfaction I get when Peanut rambles something and someone next to me will cock there head to the side and say "what did he say?", and I can answer, is pretty darn good. It is one of those good, glowing, see-I-know-my-child feelings.
So here is the list (or part of the list) of what I like to call 'Logan Language' -
hulloo - hello (well, i like to start with the easy ones)
luv dew - love you
lala - water (now we are getting to only a parent would understand territory)
lalala - waterfall
eatlicks - wheatbix
borbee - strawberry
beepop - grandpop
danny - granny
gape - grape
ock - socks
aa-la-aarm - other arm (when getting dressed, there is one arm then other arm)
ill - Will (Peanut's cousin)
eeaawa - Xavier (Peanut's friend)
eeum - Liam (another of Peanut's friends)
toked namwich - toasted sandwich
pissmiss - Christmas
Hummmm, these are all I can think of for know. But next Peanut and I have a conversation I will take note of the words he is saying (and how he is saying them) and update this post.
(: Reggie
So my main question is – are kids these days born more technology savvy or is technology becoming child's play.
M34tb4LL bought himself a new toy for his birthday – a brand spanking new ipod touch, and a couple of nights ago he was showing Peanut photos on it. M34tb4LL was scrolling through the photos (for those of you not familiar with the ipod touch, one finger is used to scroll – or swipe across the screen to go to the next photo) and Peanut was telling us who was in each photo.
Well the next thing we know, Peanut had take the ipod out of M34tb4LL's hand and was scrolling through the photos all by himself! and of course he was still identifying people he knew in the photos as he went.
But then he did something that even M34tb4LL didn't know could be done. Peanut did a double tap on the screen and zoomed in on the photo. He then zoomed out again and scrolled to the next photo.
And is not just the ipod touch that Peanut has sussed out, He knows that a remote control should be pointed at the entertainment unit to make thing work, and he knows difference between a real remote and a toy one. He knows that to work a computer you use a mouse, and if he is sitting my knee while i am at the computer and he doesn't like what i am doing he will grab my hand and guide it to the mouse to give me the hint. He knows what a mobile phone is for and when he gets a hold of my mobile he talks into it, he even tries to press the buttons to get it to work. And he will hand the mobile back to me say “cheese” in the hope that i will take his photo.
I would say he is too smart for his own good where it comes to technology, but the truth is more like that he is too smart for my own good! At the speed that he is picking things up he will be able to beat me and M34tb4LL on every game we own by the time he is three!!!
(: Reggie