Peanut has survived his first Christmas day - and what a Christmas he had!!!
It was amazing to watch how his reaction to receiving a wrapped present evolved.
His pre-Christmas reaction to the presents that were wrapped under the tree (the tree that was placed well out of his reach on top of the entertainment unit) was a curious fascination. He would point and make a kind of grunting noise till we picked him up and he could look at them. He did not try to grab the presents, he seemed to happy enough just looking at them
The first time he had a present put in front of him and he was encouraged to try and unwrap it, he just sat there with somewhat of a look of confusion on his face.
Mind you by the time we got to Christmas day, after a couple of Christmas gift giving session sitting, he did seem to get he hang of ripping wrapping paper off his presents, he was even keen to M34tb4LL and me wrap our presents. He learned very quickly that inside each colourfully wrapped gift was a new toy with the potential of making some kind of sound / music / bang / noise.
And then we get to the food! The spread on Christmas day was both traditional and plentiful.For lunch Peanut sampled some of the vegies and roast meat for his lunch and for his dinner - well he started with munching his through a rather large and juicy strawberry, followed by a taste of an asparagus roll (not a fan), then TWO bowls of cooked apple and he sucked up quite a few sticks of carrot. After feeding him this i went to get myself something to eat.
Well, this was when Peanut turned on the charm - to anyone that walked past him bearing a plate of food. And it seemed to work very well for him, he was given a few spoons full of strawberry mousse, some chocolate mousse, as well as some jelly and of course he was handed more strawberries. All he needs to flutter those beautiful baby lashes to passers by and they are putty in his tiny hands!
So the Christmas season is drawing to a close, we are know thinking of what to do for new years - i don't think Peanut will stay up for it this year, and then it will be time to start thinking about his first birthday.
Blimey - in one month, one week and a couple of days Peanut will be turning one!!!
(: Reggie
Friday, 28 December 2007
Monday, 17 December 2007
Its begining to look a lot like...
The house is looking a little bit different at the moment, and Peanut has noticed.
He has noticed the pile of presents on top of the entertainment unit. He has noticed the collection of cards next ot them. He has also noticed the tiny off cuts of wrapping paper that have been left on the floor (unintentionally of course) and taste so good.
But the festive season addition that he seems the most excited about is the Christmas tree. We bought a brand new Christmas tree this year, a 90cm fibre optic tree. It has been decorated with little purple bobbles and candy canes and a plastic Hello Kitty for the top.
Peanut is fascinated with the tree, he loves watching the lights as it flickers through its multicoloured lighting display. It was a smart idea to get a tree that easily sits on top of the entertainment unit rather than on the floor. The tree at the baby play centre has been placed in a play pen - to keep little hands off it. And if we had have bought a tree that sat on the floor I am sure that we would be spending ever minute of the day at the moment fishing bobbles out of Peanuts mouth.
And with this twinkling addition to the normal decor of our lounge room has come a new "trick" from Peanut. He seems to have learnt how to point. He will be looking stright at the three and he let out a grunt of excitement and point at it.
I know what you are thinking, is the fact the he now points at things worth blogging about? Well, yes, kind of...
Well at least this is a pre-Christmas post, and we are very quickly getting to Peanut's first Christmas, and he is noticing that something a bit different is going on (and with all the glittering lights, he is loving it!)
(: Reggie
He has noticed the pile of presents on top of the entertainment unit. He has noticed the collection of cards next ot them. He has also noticed the tiny off cuts of wrapping paper that have been left on the floor (unintentionally of course) and taste so good.
But the festive season addition that he seems the most excited about is the Christmas tree. We bought a brand new Christmas tree this year, a 90cm fibre optic tree. It has been decorated with little purple bobbles and candy canes and a plastic Hello Kitty for the top.
Peanut is fascinated with the tree, he loves watching the lights as it flickers through its multicoloured lighting display. It was a smart idea to get a tree that easily sits on top of the entertainment unit rather than on the floor. The tree at the baby play centre has been placed in a play pen - to keep little hands off it. And if we had have bought a tree that sat on the floor I am sure that we would be spending ever minute of the day at the moment fishing bobbles out of Peanuts mouth.
And with this twinkling addition to the normal decor of our lounge room has come a new "trick" from Peanut. He seems to have learnt how to point. He will be looking stright at the three and he let out a grunt of excitement and point at it.
I know what you are thinking, is the fact the he now points at things worth blogging about? Well, yes, kind of...
Well at least this is a pre-Christmas post, and we are very quickly getting to Peanut's first Christmas, and he is noticing that something a bit different is going on (and with all the glittering lights, he is loving it!)
(: Reggie
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Baby to Little Boy
The past 10 months have gone sooooo fast! It is mind boggling to think that in just a couple of days Peanut will be 10 months old!!!
I am looking at photos of him here, one was taken 21st March (when he was 1 1/2 months old), one taken 10th May (when he was 3 months old) and another taken 31st October (at nearly 9 months old) and it is amazing how much he has grown up already.
I remember when the first photo was taken, he was so small - I could cup his whole in head my my hand. At that time he would smile at M34tb4LL and myself, turn his head when we spoke to him, he loved sitting in his bouncy chair and staring at the toys that hang from the bar attached to it. He would even fall asleep in the bouncy chair sometimes! But that was pretty much all he was able to do!
By the time he was three months old, he was happily sitting up on my knee, would smile and laugh, he played with his toys, his hand and his feet.
By 9 months he was crawling, every object he could get his hands onto was an object of interest, he was saying simple sounds like mama dada baba, was able to hold his bottle himself and had gotten eating his mushy food down pat.
Now, at nearly ten months he can (or at least try) feed himself toast, sandwiches, cubes of fruit and vegies and chunks of cheese - it's messy, but it works. He is crawling very well now, if I turn my back for just a minute I have to go on a hunt to find him. Fortunately for me this is quite easy because he finds it such a fun game he will be laughing constantly!
And as for his eating - he now wants to feed himself! This is a little tricky for him seeing as he has NO coordination. But to encourage him with the whole self feeding thing, last night i gave him some chopped up peach. HE LOVED IT! He was grabbing little squares of peach and shoving them into his mouth, and he was doing a strange trembling laugh while eating. He was so excited with the process of feeding himself
I am finding it hard to believe that in two months he will be a year old! Soon he will be walking - making him a toddler! He is not a baby much longer!!! it makes me want to shed a little tear.
(: Reggie
I am looking at photos of him here, one was taken 21st March (when he was 1 1/2 months old), one taken 10th May (when he was 3 months old) and another taken 31st October (at nearly 9 months old) and it is amazing how much he has grown up already.
I remember when the first photo was taken, he was so small - I could cup his whole in head my my hand. At that time he would smile at M34tb4LL and myself, turn his head when we spoke to him, he loved sitting in his bouncy chair and staring at the toys that hang from the bar attached to it. He would even fall asleep in the bouncy chair sometimes! But that was pretty much all he was able to do!
By the time he was three months old, he was happily sitting up on my knee, would smile and laugh, he played with his toys, his hand and his feet.
By 9 months he was crawling, every object he could get his hands onto was an object of interest, he was saying simple sounds like mama dada baba, was able to hold his bottle himself and had gotten eating his mushy food down pat.
Now, at nearly ten months he can (or at least try) feed himself toast, sandwiches, cubes of fruit and vegies and chunks of cheese - it's messy, but it works. He is crawling very well now, if I turn my back for just a minute I have to go on a hunt to find him. Fortunately for me this is quite easy because he finds it such a fun game he will be laughing constantly!
And as for his eating - he now wants to feed himself! This is a little tricky for him seeing as he has NO coordination. But to encourage him with the whole self feeding thing, last night i gave him some chopped up peach. HE LOVED IT! He was grabbing little squares of peach and shoving them into his mouth, and he was doing a strange trembling laugh while eating. He was so excited with the process of feeding himself
I am finding it hard to believe that in two months he will be a year old! Soon he will be walking - making him a toddler! He is not a baby much longer!!! it makes me want to shed a little tear.
(: Reggie
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