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Before our little one was born we went looking for the best pram for him. We read through Choice magazines tips and tests, we went to baby stuff shops and asked for expert advise, we even sat at the local Starbucks and counted the makes and models of prams that went by to see which was the favourite.
We ended buying the one that Choice gave equal first to based on their trials (the other that came first, points wise, was twice the price and has been discontinued), was the one that the baby stuff shop recommended hands down over any others and the one that we saw the most on our coffee sipping people watching. Reading this paragraph back to myself it sounds like we bought three prams!!! No just the one - that happened to come first in all three categories.
So we have the pram that is to be had! and i even went out and bought the matching seat cover that comes with three pram toys that hang from the grip tabs built into the pram canopy.
At the first mothers group meeting, half of the mothers there had the same pram that we did. Walking around the local shops i see mothers pushing the same pram that we am pushing. And the in laws that are weeks off having an offspring of their own have bought the same pram that we bought! It is a popular pram!!!
There is a range of toys that i have kind of fallen in love with and i tell my self that it is Peanuts favourite toy line but that might be because it is the toy that i shove in his face more than other toys *** shrug ***
The toy range has four characters: a frog, a duck, a caterpillar, and a turtle - and the turtle is sooooooooo cute.
So Peanut started this toy range off with a frog that is holding a plastic bar between its hands that has three plastic shapes threaded on it, kind of like a chewing thingy. The frog was given to him by friends of ours when they first met the boy. I have since bought him the turtle toy the same as the frog, a slightly larger turtle with plastic chew bits instead of flippers and a rattle in the tummy, a smaller version of the turtle that is wrapped around a clear plastic tube with little balls in it, a larger cuddly turtle soft toy version, and he even has sheets that are printed with the heads of the four character and polar fleece blanket with the turtle appliqued on it.
Now back to the topic of the pram -
Peanuts pram does not look like completely like all the other prams around, mainly because of the toys of entertainment that adorn it. I have taken the dangles that came with the seat cover and replaced them with a duck, a caterpillar and a turtle dingle dangle from the afore mentioned range. He also has three of the character tied to the front bumper (that is what the bar that babys can hang onto while in the pram is called) and the duck quacks when squeezed!
So his pram does not completely look like the other prams that get wheeled around our local, and with a set of 'spinner rims' and some 'cold cathodes' it will look really rad!
(: Reggie
** edit **
There is a seller on ebay who has a great range of t-shirts for babies and toddlers
Including this one -
I have found a website that you can look up the horoscope of days since past, funky huh?
And here is the horoscope for Peanut on the day he was born (Aquarius, born 8th Feb 2007) -
"A fairly relaxed and balanced day for you is likely to end a thoughtful note today! Thanks to a couple of dynamic aspects you are going to be both bubbly and fun to be around! In terms of work or school it's looking ultimately positive, although the position of Jupiter suggests you need to listen!"
Well I suppose that everyone did want to be around him on the day he was born, and he did have to start leaning about the outside world...
Yer, whatever!!!
(: Reggie
Happy 3 months birthday to you (for yesterday)
Happy 3 months birthday to you (for yesterday)
Happy 3 months birthday dear Peanut (for yesterday)
Happy 3 months birthday to you (for yesterday)
I did remember it yesterday, but just forgot to post. And here is a picture of the boy at three months of age -
He is doing latest trick - rolling onto his side and back again while lifting up his top, having a flash. He is also doing really well at grabbing things (and getting what ever he can to his mouth, the boy is orally fixated) and he has started to notice that he has feet!
The photo was taken at our mothers and bubs group yesterday (and the blanket was hand knitted for him by his own mother) which is umm.... interesting? i guess you could say? The group has been running for four weeks, but i missed the second week because we got a better offer for entertainment for that day.
It's funny though, the first day all these strangers turned up to this mothers group organised by the council, no-one knew anyone. Then by the third week (remembering that Peanut and I missed the second one) there was a "cool table" established, a group within the group that seemed to know each other really well and have been hanging out and buying gifts for each other.
And as of yesterday, week four, i still don't even know the names of most of the people there, let along have made any friends and been hanging out with them!!! Left to make friends with the chess club nerds again (:
Mind you, i do have feel a bit of a superiority over the "cool table" when i referred to one of the babies, who has the same name as Peanut, as his nemesis and she asked me what a nemesis is. And her baby is no where as cute as Peanut either, must try and get a photo of them together.
But back to the topic - the 3 month mile stone has been met!!! YAAAA, and we have had four sleep through the nights so far (not consecutive, but still...)
(: Reggie
PS - congrats Pauly on the arrival of Lily Isabel, now update your fucking blog!!!