Anyway, a week ago today we went to our friendly radiology place to have our next scan. The scan i was told by the NEW hospital should happen between 19 and 20 weeks, which it did.
So last Saturday after waking early and pacing up the down the house for what felt like hours we got in the car to drive to scanning place. We had plenty of time to get there and knew that we would have to wait over our booking time anyway - but we were exciting about seeing peanut again, and also were dying to know whether peanut was a she or a he.
Slight brake in the story to tell the amusing tale of when M34tb4LL's mother was at our house one day, and in her panic of not wanting to label the baby "she", "he" or "it", she called it "shit". Her own grandchild!!!
My parents have been calling it "Corbin-Storm" since we first told them, and that is why we have having been calling it "peanut"
Right, back to the day of the scan.
So we are driving there, grinning like idiots, and we would have only been a few blocks from our destination when i realised that we had not brought any media with us to record the event! When i verbalized my realisation, M34tb4LL's foot hit the brake pedal a little, but them he remembered that we were driving on a main road and he continued at a normal speed.
We did a quick time calculation and we possible could have made it home to pick things up and then come back, but it would have been tight. Or we could continue about a block past the destination and go to the supermarket that was there and buy media.
The second is what we did. We drove into the carpark of the supermarket and i said if he wanted to slow does to a walking pace i would jump out and run inside, the chance of getting a park easily on a Saturday morning would be slim.
How wrong was i! Right outside the front door - a parking spot!
We ran in and frantically searched the aisles for their media, found it and grabbed a spindle of 25 CDR, 25 DVD-R and a blank video. Ran back to the car and made it back to the scanning place with about 1 1/2 minutes to spare.
Or course we had to wait a good ten minutes till it was our turn but...
So i guess you don't really care about all our media needs whooos and are just reading this to see if i am going to actually tell you if it is a bay or a girl? I love stalling.
The question is, do you go out and buy our little peanut pink or blue?
The real question is do you buy dark purple (for a boy) of light purple (for a girl)
The results of the scan were - the baby is healthy, good regular heart beat, long straight arms and legs, no sign of genetic or chromosomal defects
it is a boy.
They gave us an 80% chance of a boy (so still may be a small chance of having a girl as things are still developing) but it is boy.
Trouble is, we had the girls name agreed upon, do not have a boys name picked out.
Suggestions are welcome
(: Reggie and son