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Had the first ultrasound done (doing happy dance) and got to see out little peanut! Though not really peanut sized anymore, more the size of a a a well the length of a mars bar but not as rectangular.
We went in there and of course i am expecting it to be the same as it is on TV - there is a few tentative seconds well the scanning person is trying to find the position of the baby, and the parents are holding hands and biting their lips (their own, not each others) watching a screen waiting for the first glimpse of their bundle of joy. But no, the scanning person put the scanning thing on my tum and their on the screen was a picture of my uterus with an odd shape in it. As she moved the scanning thing around the odd shape rotated on the screen and there was a clear image of a baby!
First misconception busted!
Also when ever you see an ultrasound being done the mother to be is lying comfortably watching the screen as the scanning thing is being gently glided over the stomach. Wrong again, the scanning thing was being pressed quite hard into me and was being pushed around to get the best angles of junior.Second misconception busted!
Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying the experience was anything less than amazing and i am sooooo looking forward to the next scan - due in about 6 or 7 weeks. Going to get 3D imaging done for that one!
It is amazing what they can do these days, those clever medical type dudes. The next thing they have to figure out is how to make child birth painless!
As i said in the previous post, if a couple say "we have news" you tend to be able to get a fair idea of what the next thing they are going to say is.
Well M34tb4LL and i descided that we were not going to 'just tell people' about our little peanut. However after making that descision, how do you tell people?
The outlaws (M34tb4LL's parents) were the first to hear the news. We were at their house and his mother was showing him stuff on her digital camera and i was sitting their itching for him to say something to them. When his mum had finished with the camera she started to put back into her handbag and M34tb4LL asked her if he could look at the camera for a moment, he turned it on, held it up and said "by the way, we're pregnant" **click**
Capture the moment - nice.
The way we told the parentals (my parents) - we went there for dinner and the father of G was offering us a glass of champagne. I said in the most off handed kind of way "no thanks, it wouldn't be good for the baby"
Much jumping up and down and hugging then happened.
Decay, Droidy & Lumpy - at their house, outside having a smoke (i wasn't) i was tring to get M34tb4LL to tell them and he was saying that it was my turn, there was a bit of "you do it", "no you", "you", "Its your turn", then i said "fine, give me a cigarette then" and he said "NO", "why not?", "becasue your pregnant!". Decays first response "really?"
M34tb4LL's brother and sister in-law was done by asking the brother to open a web browser and type in the following -
Go on, try it!
Tallulah Belle was fun to tell (and kind of evil). M34tb4LL had a couple of pairs of ear plug handy, we invited her over and at the same time put the plugs in, then we sat on the couch and just grinned at her and let her figure it out.
Thank deity for the ear plugs, the screaming was increadible
The way we told Suzie was M34tb4LL printed on a sheet of A4 paper "Georgi's pregnant" (that's me by the way), then folded the paper into a heart shape and gave it to her. She unfolded it and her forst response was "I have to sit down".
Paulie was easy to tell, being a fellow blogspot user i just told him the url for this site and let him read it for himself.
Most people know now and very few people got us introducing the topic as "So, we have news..."
Mission accomplished.
(: Reggie_L